How to Choose Wall Art to Bring Your Home to Life

Sebastien Coell
7 min readFeb 10, 2021

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing Wall Art For Your Home to bring your walls to life and tell your story.

You may choose the best paint, rugs, and furniture for your home and still find it lacking in warmth, and expression. That can often happen when the walls of your home are left bare, devoid of any character or statement.

Adorning them with beautiful wall art such as impactful canvas prints or framed photography of breathtaking landscapes can be instrumental in bringing your home to life and adding depth and vibrancy to your style of decor.

You might be skeptical about wall art’s ability to do much for your home but it offers several benefits:

These are but some of the ways in which your home can benefit from the addition of wall art in the different spaces. Summarily put, it is an indisputable fact that wall art is one of the most powerful means of adding an extra dimension to your home, which can go a long way in making your place more inviting, warm, and vibrant.

Five Key Factors To Consider When Buying Wall Art

When you go shopping for wall art, you will find that there are unlimited options in the market, which can be overwhelming! Additionally, to truly benefit from the art you buy for your home, you need to buy a piece that is right for you. Finding the right piece can often be tricky and at Sebastien Coell Photography, we try and create the perfect landscape wall art for your home.

Are prints from around Europe, Scandinavia and the UK can connect you back to memories and times you have spend at locations. However to get the best from your artwork it’s always nice to match it to your home decor.

However if your not a connoisseur in all things interior design, we thought this guide would help you through the process of adding beautiful landscape and seascape imagery to your home.

1. Get The Right Size

Most often than not, people focus on getting visually compelling art. However, while that holds merit, the piece will lose its aesthetic value if you get the wrong size: Too small, and the piece will fail to make an impact and draw attention, and if it is too big, it can become visually overwhelming and crowd the whole room’s decor. Finding the right size, therefore, is of the essence.

How do you know the right size? Here are a few tips:

At Sebastien Coell Photography we offer standard sizes from 5"x7" upto 24"x36" with bigger prints on demand so we should have the size to meet your circumstances.

2. Let The Art Express Who You Are

It is easy to get carried away and pick up a currently trending piece of art. But, rather than buying a generic piece of wall art that says nothing about you, focus on buying a piece that speaks to you and about you, we understand this isn’t always as easy as it sounds but try and think of what you would love to see everyday.

If, for example, you love to travel, then a cluster of small artistic photo prints of the scenic landscapes you have seen would be a beautiful way of adding character and color to your home.

If you love nature, then a print of a breathtaking landscape can be the perfect expression. Scandinavian landscape photography, in particular, has gained popularity because of the magical views that can be captured in the region, and of course please feel free to check out our scandinavian prints we have for sale by clicking here

You can also choose to express yourself in the smaller details such as choosing between a black-and-white print or a colorful one and between a panoramic view and a specific angle. Finally, you can focus on choosing a wall art filled with your favorite colors and tones.

3. Decide On The Theme You Want

Any room can have a theme and knowing what it is before deciding on the wall art you buy for that space can help you with your overall look. So, for example, if you have a bright and airy theme, then a beautiful beach print of our seascape photography might be the perfect wall art.

If, however, you wish to create a more intimate feel for the space- such as for a bedroom- then a simpler, poignant, black-and-white print can be the most effective means of achieving said goal.

When it comes to the theme of a room, the reality is that often people like to change their decor vibes quite often. You can cater to these changes by swapping different wall art pieces with each other for different seasons. While a bright beach print is perfect for summer, you might swap that with an autumn tree in all its glory for the autumn season and a print of snowy mountain peaks would go perfectly with winter-time.

4. Choose The Right Colors

Even a wall art print can lose its impact if its colors clash with the color palette of the room. This can some what be fixed by using simple frame colours such as black and white, or natural wood works well. However choosing a wall art piece while keeping the color scheme of your room in mind can help with your overall look.

There are several options to consider when settling on the color theme you want for your wall art:

5. Match The Wall Art With The Room’s Style Of Decor

The best means of creating a cohesive look in your room when buying wall art for it is to ensure it matches with the style of the decor of that room. If for example, you have a minimalist style of decor in the room, then it is best to get wall art that is simple in design either in limited colors or in black-and-white.

Alternatively, if you have a contemporary style of room decor then abstract wall art or symmetrical artwork with clear lines will go well for such a space. At the end of the day, you want your wall art to augment your style of decor and that is only possible if you coordinate its style to the decor style you have in the room.

These simple guidelines can be instrumental in helping you secure the wall art most appropriate for your space and one which is likely to deliver the required results of adding warmth, character, and the relevant flair to a room. What is important to remember is that buying wall art for your room is not just a matter of window shopping and choosing something that falls in your budget: It is about careful consideration of several factors specific to you and your home.

This being said this is simply a guide to get the best from your wall art. Your wall art print you purchase will more than likely be unique to you and the memories and connection it brings will be unique to you.

Framed photographic prints and wall art have the ability to bring back memories of the past and bring the past into your home allowing those memories to be retold. We can’t physically travel back in time but memories visualised and shared are a good alternative.

So if the artwork is right for you and brings you joy and stories into your home, go for the piece of art and work your decor around it.

Please feel free to browse our artwork from around Europe by clicking below to find stunning prints and wall art for your home, let us know in the comments box and tips you have on creating the perfect story telling wall in your home.

Meet the Author:

I am a Devon based photographer, who enjoys travel, hiking, rugby and photographing the beautiful world in which we live in, I see photography as a creative expression upon visiting beautiful places. Each picture often tells a story.

Thank you for reading this article, please feel to share it with your friends and please check out all my photography — Wall Art and Framed Prints I have for sale at


Sebastien Coell Photography

Originally published at on February 10, 2021.



Sebastien Coell

Seb Coell Photography - Framed prints and cavas's of Europe - see our artwork at